Love is a sweetness of your emotional state. There are fundamentally two ways in which emotions arise, from within yourself or from without yourself. When you are able to generate that sweetness of emotion from within yourself, you can decide to keep it to yourself or share it. That’s love, unconditional. Different levels of sharing to be sure. But if you require outside stimulus to feel the sweetness, that is, you are unable to generate it within yourself, that is now conditional love. And since it is dependent upon outside forces, you simply have no choice about when you feel it or with whom or what you share it. So, how do you generate unconditional love? When you hold your body, mind, and energy in a certain state of ease, the sweetness of your emotion will blossom. The more you practice inhabiting this state of ease, the more it becomes your natural state of being, where love steadily flows through you. You’re not trying to directly generate the sweetness itself, that won’t work. You’re simply being in such a way that love is the inherent consequence.
If your love is unconditional, why would you not share it with everyone and everything. After all you cannot run out, it is produced from within. This is true love, pure love. As soon as you become discriminatory with your love - I’ll give it here but not there - it now becomes transactional. You think “I love this person, I’ll surely get something in return.” Someone gives you something and so you think “oh I love them.” Love has now become something else. A conditional transaction. You give to get, or you get so you give. “No but I choose to feel it for so-and-so.” Yes, but why? “Because they are like this and do like that.” Yes, they are providing certain conditions, so your choice is at the whim of conditions, hence not a real choice at all. “No but I choose to share it with so-and-so”. Yes, but why? “Because they are like this and do like that.” More conditions to be met in order to share means no true choice in the matter. Your feeling love is a slave to conditions outside of yourself. Only when love is generated within yourself is it unconditional and free. Ask yourself, are you treating love as a transaction based on external conditions, or are you giving love away because this is the way you are, always sweet and loving, within yourself?
If the experience of love is foisted upon you by someone or something, you will become discriminatory towards people or things that are not that. You are now an extractor of love, greedily holding onto your source of love. When you feel love that was generated from within, you become an offering of love. Anything you love, in a sense, becomes a part of you, and you become a part of it. So, when you fall in love with everything, you become ultimately inclusive of the whole of existence.